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Famous paintings are not necessarily the best art for sale, though they tend to be the most expensive, because of the same psychology as "The Emperor's New Clothes".

The ability, to become famous, or to make a painting artist to become famous, whose paintings are in your collection, is different, from the ability to produce beneficial subliminal symbols.

The sense of enjoyment is not the true measure of the worth of fine art, but its effect upon the unconscious.

I believe that much artwork has been touted, by members of various secret clubs, because the artist was a member, or was commissioned by a member, of the club.

Then the artist has concealed the esoterica of the club, in his original paintings. Nicholas Poussin is one example of a man, whose artist paintings are known to conceal esoterica of a secret bund.

The literal meaning of "abstract" is "drawn away". Away from what? Away from denotative or representation of somethin. Abstract paintings have often taken on a "twisted" or perverted bent, but they needn't be so.

Mohammedan art can be considered to be abstract, and, yet, may be quite beneficial to us through the unconscious reaction to it.

Oil painting on canvas is considered, by many, to be the fine art medium par extraordinaire.  Famous oil paintings for sale ought to have been designed, accordin to their symbolic message, that they speak, to the unconscious; not just to give pleasure to the viewer.

Not all attractive works, in paint, deserve to be famous paintings.  Consider canvas oil paintings, that have already been made to be famous paintings:

The operative phrase, here, is "have been made" famous paintings.  Til now, who has checked the unconscious, unknowin, subliminal effect, of all, of those famous artworks?

Oil painting for sale is valuable, and relatively expensive.  What is your art budget?   For 6 thou you can buy an oil painting of a quality that is extremely good, and that will appreciate in value, and in fame.

If your budget is below $1,000, then you will do well to buy oil paintings reproduction on canvas, by an artist, of consummate skill, but still unknown.

You can get tremendously beautiful oil paintings on canvas, even your own portrait, or an art oil painting of your family, pet, home, car, motorcycle, or boat, for less, than $300.

Art oil paintings are, of course, preferable to acrylic ones, because the materials conduce, whereas plastic materials (acrylics) do not conduce to the flowing of the fulfillment of the creation of YHVH.

Video: How To Get Your Own Famous Painting



Top 15 Famous Paintings


Image of Painting Mona Lisa

1. Mona Lisa

by Leonard of Vinci

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.

There is no way that I know of to measure fame accurately, so that you can say that one painting is more famous than is another. Does your survey include all of Asia? Undoubtedly this painting has been given a much publicity by folks with leverage in the media of communications.

What is more, what makes a famous painting to be the number 1 famous painting or the top famous painting? Is it the amount of fame, or the quality of the work?

I never felt attracted to this painting. Taken analytically, to analyze its subliminal effect, its best point is that the path of brightness leads unobstructedly up and to the right.

Some say that the image is of the artist in drag. Hard to proven or to disproven this.




Image of Painting Daybreak

2. Daybreak

by Maxfield Parrish

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.





Image of School of Athens

3. School of Athens

by Raphael

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.





Image of The Last Supper

4. The Last Supper

by Leonard of Vinci

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.





Image 2 of The Last Supper

"The Last Supper with Dealy-Bobs atop The Room


Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.




Image Blue Bike Blues

5.Blue Bike Blues

by Rusty

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.





Image of "Why Cats Paint"


If you want to order the book wherein the artwork Blue Bike Blues is shown, then clicken here, and you will be able to see voluminous reviewins by customers, too!











Image of Ecstasy Thumbnail

6. Ecstasy

by Maxfield Parrish

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.





thumbnail of The Maids of Honor

7. The Maids of Honor

by Diego Rodriguez of Silva and Velazquez

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.




Image of thumb Daniel Neufeld

8. Life Rejoicing

by Daniel Neufeld

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.






Image thumbnail Sunday Afternoon on The Island of Grand Jatte

9. Sunday Afternoon on The Island of Grand Jatte

by Georges Seurat

Click the image to see a bigger one.




Thumbnail "Starry Night over The Rhone"

10. Starry Night over The Rhone

by Vincent from Gogh

Click the image to see a bigger one.

I don't like this picture. It looks like a headless corpse is in the water in the foreground.




Thumb image Frazetta

11. Did I Leave My Cel Phone in Here?

by Frank Frazetta

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.





Image "Feeding Frenzy" by Lanny Tupper

12.  Feeding Frenzy

by Lanny Tupper

Lanny is famous mainly for having done the album cover for Nils Lofgren. Feeding Frenzy may well be his most charming painting!

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.




Thumnail image of "Night Watch"

13. Night Watch

by Rembrandt from Rhine

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.

Rembrandt is too dark for me. Darkness symbolizes unconsciousness. Secrecy implies unconsciousness. Apart from that he was a right talented painter, no doubt!



Thumbnail of "David's Lane"

14.David's Lane

by David Suter

Click the image to see a bigger one.

David got his fame as a top artist in CIA publications the Washington Post, New York Times, and National Review. He once flunked art homework in 9th grade when the teacher didn't believe that he had hand-drawn a circle, it was that perfect!

Clicken here for David's short biography:  David Suter

To OWN THIS PAINTING -- with David's frame on it -- clicken here and talk to Gallery A in Washinton D.C. U.S.A..




Image of Divine Perfection Pattern painting "Myers Briggs"

15. Myers Briggs

by Tru Keesey

Clicken on the likeness to see a bigger one.

[16.  ]

by Carter Hodgkin

Spot sixteen would have been a work by Carter Hodgkin, but since she turned her back on me, I'll have no truck with her this time.  Clicken here to see Carter and her web's site:  Carter Hodgkin



Karan Kandel's work is not famous, but it deserves to be mentioned, doesn't it? 




Oil Portrait Painting Hide and Seek

Click on the image, and you will see a bigger image, as if by majic! Famous paintings, above, left to right --

Agatha Bas, by Rembrandt - click to learn of your handpainted reproduction.


Hide-And-Seek, by James Tissot - click to learn of your handpainted reproduction.



Famous Original Paintings

If you are looking, for famous original art for sale, how are you going to persuade a fine art gallery to part with any one, of those famous paintings, which they already have? The video, on your above left, shows one method of doin it. Here, go ahead and click.

If you are searching for famous original paintings, wherein to invest your money, then you have loads, of money, to swing, or to heft, about. You are not looking for the oil painting art print, to hang on your wall, or on the wall of your bequested.

You, instead, want to be able to compare the present to the future climate, with respect to the value and price of particular famous pieces of fine art for sale.

To you it matters, what changes will the climate, in art-price-appraisal, of famous paintings, undergo, in the future. It depends.

Whereon depends it? On knowing who will be on top. Before too many years will have passed, the Biblical prophecies, for the destruction of Rome and of Freemasonry, will be fulfilled. Then a whole different class of folks will be on top.

To know when that will happen, is the key. If it won't happen for 10 or more years, then the current trends, and parameters, used to appraise famous paintings, continue to have the same foretelling-worth. By and by you will need to buy and sell fast, by current values, and invest long-term in a different set of values, a different kind of artist, a different genre of future famous paintings.

If you run, or if you exploit, an art gallery, or an art auction, then must you appraise famous paintings, by the principles, whereof I told to you, above.



Famous Abstract Painting Art



It is hard, for today's folks, to know, what is the mark, made upon the unknowin part, of our mind, by the sight, of a piece, of abstract art.

It is equally hard, with realistic art; however, realistic art often has identifiable conscious symbols, that can be interpreted, either by one's own wisdom, or by the help of books and writins. In the case, of abstract art, the symbolism can be totally undefined, and hard, to be recognized, except by those, who have a knack for it.

If you have ever seen art, that has subliminal images, hidden in it, then you probably know that, whereat I am gettin.



I must foretell, that the bent, of buyers, of modern art for sale, will be changin -- is changin. That art, which has been deemed worthy, til now, will be deemed unworthy. Many, of the less noticed artworks, will come to prominence, to supplant their more famous competitors, not far into the hereafter.

From the beginnin, of the modern period, til now, there have been 2 schools of taste. Each school has given more worth to those fine art works, that most closely show the taste, of the particular school.

Til now, original art, for sale, has bein either subversive or beautiful.

The subversive art has given pleasure only to the most twisted and unnatural of personalities. In the beginnin, these were mostly abstract painting, but now many abstract art arrangements, for sale, that have been called "sculpture". The beautiful art has given pleasure to the ordinary man.

Those, who have, of late, had the most money, and the most leverage, to use, in the makin of fame, have chosen to make, for the most part, the subversive artworks, to be made famous, and, thus, to become more valuable.

A great example, of the use of money and leverage, to raise the worth of contemporary art, is the recent sale, at auction, of Andy Warhol's everyday wall art print, showin 200 $1 bills.

Although the work is not unpleasin, nevertheless it is ordinary, and the worth of it, in natural times, would not reach to the $40 million, that it was bought for.

There is, comin in, a 3rd school of taste, the rational school, that considers the effect of subliminal symbolism. As this school becomes bigger, and bigger, the artworks of the other 2 schools -- subversive and beautiful, will lose value.

Some, of the extant works, of the beautiful school of taste, already are acceptable to the taste, of the rational subliminal school. Those works will continue to rise in value, with the passage of time.

If you want to learn the principles, whereby rational subliminal art is judged, go to the Jung Mandala page.

Hide and Seek

Click on the image, and you will see a bigger image, as if by majic! Famous painting:

Hide-And-Seek, by James Tissot - click to learn of your handpainted reproduction.



Famous Fine Art Paintings


Definition of fine art definition:  Accordin, to the wikipedia, fine art is any art, whose purpose, in the beginnin, of it, was less for some other use, than to be enjoyed.

Let me restate the definition, for you.  Consider the beginnin of any genre.  What was the purpose, of that genre, when it was begun?  Every genre, of fine art, began more for pleasure.  Less for any other use.  By definition.  That is the definition, of "fine art", from wikipedia.

Thus, just about any painting, that you may find, will fit the definition of "fine art".

"Famous fine art paintings".  If that was the phrase, that you used, in your searchin, then you must like that phrase, for its own sake, and not for its utility -- because you would get the same result, if you left it out, of your searchin, and only put "famous paintings" in the searchin field.

Try it, and see if you get any famous painting, in your searchin's results, that is not a famous fine art painting.


Oil Portrait Tissot Hide And Seek


Click on the image, and you will see a bigger image, as if by majic! Famous paintings, above, left to right --

Agatha Bas, by Rembrandt - click to learn of your handpainted reproduction.

Hide-And-Seek, by James Tissot - click to learn of your handpainted reproduction.



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