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Monday, May 04, 2009

Click To Learn Interesting Lore
World Hearld Newspaper

You are goin to learn some really interesting lore, really interesting indeed. This is a growin online news paper that gives to you the alternative view to the alternative news.

Find out the stories that are behind the news, the secret, private, hidden side. Nothin becomes news, unless it has been deemed to further a psywar plan.

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Monday, March 30, 2009


The Hidden Side -- Part 1:


"The Analogy" Part 4

Click to see "The Analogy" Part 3
Click to see "The Analogy" Part 1

The only other kinds of plants, in the woods, are the plants that do well under the grandfather tree. So grandfather is not only grandfather to the trees that he seeded, but also to the other plants that like to grow in that kind of neighborhood.

Let's say that the grandfather tree is a beech tree. Certain plants would rather grow near to a beech tree than to an oak tree. Those plants help the beech tree, and the beech tree helps them. So the grandfather tree is also the grandfather of all the other plants, that grow in a beech forest.

It is the same way with folks. The nearby "grandfather", or the "neighborhood grandfather" may be good for others nearby, to whom he is not so closely related. It is in their interest to strenthen him.

The Indians, of Beulah Land, those that have told of the grandfather trees, have said, fell a tree, but never fell the grandfather tree.

By and by, after hundreds and hundreds of years, the grandfather tree becomes huge, and, in the end, ends. Now another tree will be the grandfather tree, the biggest tree with the deepest roots.

But there is a difference now, the first grandfather tree was the one who made the seeds, wherefrom came the other trees. The new grandfather tree is technically the brother or uncle to the other trees. But nevertheless, from a standpoint of the unity of the forest, he is now the grandfather tree, his roots are the roots of the forest-as-a-whole.

Every race or tribe has its own Grandfather. Kind of like a queen bee in a hive, or a heart in a soul, or a Sun in a solar system. In a mass society, people forget to be aware of who their own Dalai Lama is. I say forget, not in the sense that they know it intellectually and then forget, but that they know it instinctively, and forget to be instinctive. In other words, they don't know who theirs is, they don't think about it, they don't even know that such a thing exists. But this is going to change. It is changing, or else I would not have been able to conceive of the idea and virtually write about it.

So far as I know it, I am the first one to offer this teaching. There is not just a single Dalai Lama for any mass society, such as America is a mass society, hence there is not a Dalai Lama for, say Americans. You have to subdivide "Americans" in to smaller groups according to how closely related they are, in other words by genotype. But do it instinctively, not scientifically. Or do it both ways, but do not neglect the instinctive information.

Then, you don't want to use the word Dalai Lama, but there is no other term I know for this, unless you want to say "the heart", as though one person is the heart of a group, which is the way it is -- each group has one person as its heart.

It is hard for people to realize this in the age of Aquarius, because the "heart" concept comes from the opposite sign, Leo. But in few hundred years the solstice will contact one of the stars in Leo, and then people will be massively appreciative of the "heart person" in their group.

The Dalai Lama of Tibet is the Tibetans' Dalai Lama. Unless you are a Tibetan, your Dalai Lama is somebody else. Tibetans are all closely related. Just as all honeybees are related, but not as closely related as the bees in a particular hive. Hence a separate queen for each hive, not just one queen for all honeybees. Same way with people, except it is not geographical with humans so much as it is with bees. I have more to say about this, connected to astrology and race, but not in this message.

The Hidden Side -- Part 1


"The Analogy" Part 3

Click to see "The Analogy" Part 2
Click to see "The Analogy" Part 1

Naturally, there are other kinds of tree, and other kinds of plant growin in the neighborhood.

The grandfather tree's roots are deeper than any other's. All the symbiosis amon the many trees and plants, the way they help each other, is all determined by the kind of tree that is the grandfather tree.

The only other kinds of plants, in the woods, are the plants that do well under the grandfather tree. So grandfather is not only grandfather to the trees that he seeded, but also to the other plants that like to grow in that kind of neighborhood.
The Hidden Side -- Part 1:


"The Analogy" Part 2
Click to see "The Analogy" Part 1

America should be called "Beulah Land". The word "America" may be a freemasonic-chosen word. Therefore, it may not be worthy. We could use the words "Beulah Land".

In Bible, it is called "Beulah Land", the land between 2 oceans, far to the west, through the pillars of Hercules, where the smooth folk dwell. Bible has other words for the place called "Beulah Land", as well.

The beginnin of the word "world" comes from "Wr Ald", which means "most old". The Earth is not the "most old", it is not right to call Earth "world".

Wrald, or world, is older than Earth, is older than stars. "World", rightly, means about the same as "God", nowadays. Amon some of the Indians, of Beulah land, is an idea about the grandfather. Let me start with the "grandfather tree".

Amon some of the Indians, of Beulah Land, is an idea about the grandfather. Let me start with the "grandfather tree".

Accordin to their way of seein thins, one tree grows big, drops a lot of seeds to the ground. The seeds, from that big tree, form new trees.

The new trees grow up around the first big tree, and they are smaller, because they came after the big tree got big.

Next, the smaller trees get big, and they drop seeds. The seeds form a 3rd generation of trees, and here you have a woods, where all the trees, of that same kind, came from the one big tree, the grandfather tree.

Naturally, there are other kinds of tree, and other kinds of plant growin in the neighborhood.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


CLICK HERE NOW to get your FREE Survival Lists!

Leo Lyon Zagami, I have observed him for a good while now, by videos and audio files wherein he has spoken.

I observed that he always goes to great lenths to avoid makin as statement, that he believes to be untrue.

This does not mean that he is truthful. To be truthful, one must know, and not believe. In fact, truthfulness in speech happens without even thinkin about it.

What it does mean, he is honorable. His feelin for honor is a result of his noble blood.

Commoners are not honorable. You can spot a commoner by their mercenary nature. They find it truly easy to allow themselves to lie, in order to get what they want. In other words, they are born with an instinct, that tells them that desire supersedes truthspeakin.

Nobility, on the other hand, is born with instinct that says truthspeakin supersedes desire.

It is men I am talkin about here. All women are common. There may be exceptions, but if you want to follow a guideline, begin with treatin them as common, until you find out differently.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

The Practical Solution
When asked, Maharaji said, "What is the practical solution? Well I think happiness is the practical solution. When everybody is happy, that's it!"

He also said, "I am the source of happiness in this world."

So here you go, go and get some happiness:

Monday, April 26, 2004


Have you heard about folks looking into other people's private communications without their permission? I have heard about folks in the US government, the public library system, the military, and the Pentagon disrespecting other people's privacy.

The folks who have been doing this also are experiencing a higher death rate than good people experience, also more diseases, financial and relationship problems and so on. In general, they are having more problems than good people have.

Friday, March 26, 2004


The Hidden Side -- Part 1:


"The Analogy" Part 1

Before you were born, you were not on this planet. Or, maybe you were. But, at some time, you were not, you were elsewhere, before you were born, yes?

When you were born, you came to this planet, that you call "the world". Or before you were born, you came to here. You wanted to know, "what is goin on in the world?"

Why do you ask? You want to orient yourself in the wave of doins. Is that a right assessment of your position today?

There are tons of reports, that give to you names of individuals, of groups, and the events that they have taken a hand in. The folks, who have managed to get hold of the broadcastin media, have chosen to call those reports "news".

The work, of choosin what to tell you about -- and what to not tell you about -- is truly selective. They have not given to you the whole story.

Click for What Is Going On In The World -- The Hidden Side -- Part 1: "DALAI LAMA, GRANDFATHER, PRIEST, KING" -- "The Analogy" Part 2

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