Gallery - Divine Perfection Patterns Mandala Art |
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| Mandala Diagram + ImageMandala Artist -- MICK SNUTZFor You Mick makes: FEN SHUI MANDALA MEDICINE WHEELS Look for them here in January 2006 Come back and check
Mandala Title: Great Balls of Fire [81 kb] Buy Clothin, Cards, and Bags With Images of Version #2 Artist: Mick Snutz Medium: day glow spray paint, rustoleum, poster paint, magic marker, and cutout poster board, on poster board, oil paint. |
Mandala Title: My Sun Logo Mandala [49 kb] Buy Clothin, Mugs, Buttons, Stickers, Bags, and More with this Logo Artist: Mick Snutz Medium: Felt marker and Adobe Photo Shop Done: Frostburg, MD September 2004. Note: I designed this logo for myself when I was in Western Junior High School (middle school), if I remember aright. Later I learned that the Hopi Prophecies state that one of the helpers of the True White Brother will use the Sun as a logo.
Photo Mandala Series Title: Joe's Fan Artist: Mick Snutz Title: Joe's Fan 1 [216 kb] This is the beginnin stage of the work, an untouched photograph. As you can see, it is not quite radially symmetrical. I want to edit it so that the quatripartite element will be radially symmetrical. And the center is dark. No no no. Title: Joe's Fan 2 [259 kb] Here my friend, Frank V., began colorin the mandala, but he gave up.
Spontaneous Art Mandala Title: Four Storks [333 kb] Artist: Mick Snutz Medium: Ball point pen. Done: USA. Note: This picture was scanned in two parts. The original does not have the vertical joint line that the computer image has. Click here to BUY FRAMED 11" X 14" PRINT with credit card -- shippin included -- $35 (note: the background in the print will be a uniform color, unlike the image shown here)
Spontaneous Art Mandala Title: Handala (Work in Progress) [280 kb] Artist: Mick Snutz Medium: Ball point pen. Note: I want to deepen some of the lines in this one, and to generally improven the quality. Done: USA. Click here to BUY FRAMED 11" X 14" PRINT with credit card -- shippin included -- $35
Spontaneous Art Mandala Title: Sphere [971 kb] Artist: Mick Snutz Medium: Ball point pen on place mat. Note: This picture was scanned in two parts. The original does not have the vertical joint line that the computer image has. Prints will not have this joint, either. Done: USA. Click here to BUY FRAMED 11" X 14" PRINT with credit card -- shippin included -- $35
Spontaneous Art Mandala Title: Transmission [289 kb] Artist: Mick Snutz Medium: Ball point pen on dinner napkin. Done: USA. Click here to BUY FRAMED 11" X 14" PRINT with credit card -- shippin included -- $35
Spontaneous Art Mandala Title: Aspirants [342 kb] Artist: Mick Snutz Medium: Ball point pen. Done: USA 2001. Click here to BUY FRAMED 11" X 14" PRINT with credit card -- shippin included -- $35
Collage Mandala Title: Collage Mandala 1 [310 kb] Artist: Mick Snutz Medium: Cutouts, rubber cement and/or scottish tape on poster paper. Done: USA, Frostburg, MD, and/or Fort Ashby WV. Late '90's or early 2000's .
Collage Mandala Title: Collage Mandala 2 [388 kb] Artist: Mick Snutz Medium: Cutouts, rubber cement and/or scottish tape on poster paper. Note: The girl and the dog in the upper left should have been lookin to the right and slightly upward, to keep the clockwise centripetal motion rule that I follow. After I had done a lot in their quarter of the collage, I noticed that their eyne were directed more downward. I tried to correct this impression by puttin jewels into their eyes. It didn't work as well as I wanted it to do. Done: USA, Frostburg, MD, and/or Fort Ashby WV. Late '90's or early 2000's .
Collage Mandala Title: Collage Mandala 3 [365 kb] Artist: Mick Snutz Medium: Cutouts, rubber cement and/or scottish tape on poster paper. Note: There is a tradition that spiders should be risin. The ones in this collage are supposed to be fallin. That may be bad. It may even be bad to have spiders in it at all. I have seen sources claimin both extremes of good and bad for spider symbolism. I think it depends too much on the context and the internal context possessed by the viewer themselves, and, so, the meanin would be to variable from person to person, and therefore they, maybe, should be excluded from mandalas intended to be beneficial. But still I don't know yet. There is a few other thins I don't like about this mandala. The green caterpillar is in the lower right corner because it is a toy. However, it is also a bug, and that's bad. I used to put in anythin that was a toy. Since I started, the toys have become more and more hideous with the passage of time. So I put in only toys made in the images of thins which themselves have positive symbolism. The hands drawin each other give the impression of anti-clockwise movement, which is unhealthy. The models used to represent a mother and daughter appear posed, as if they didn't know each other before the shootin session, and have no feelin for each other. The dog in the upper left does not give the feelin of movin to the right because of facin toward the camera, and his upper body is toward the camera. The bed in the lower left seems to be movin down and right instead of up and left, as I intended it to seem. The little dog in the lower right is facin the wron way, although his head gives movement in the correct direction. This is one of the mandalas I tried to produce in a batch, tryin to cut down production time, with the intention of sellin them, and keepin the hourly income up. Eventually my inner voice (as it were) said not to bother sellin them. I gave a few good ones away. One I traded for a paintin of a cat, done by an FSU grad from Bosnia. Maybe I'll remember her name and put it into here. One I gave away had several elements from a girl's childhood, such as the indentical breed of dog from her childhood, the same kind of fence around a house (?) and totallin about 5 specific elements. Somethin had guided me to make this one "just for her" although I didn't do it intentionally, and I knew nothin about her childhood. This one was given to Shannon Ottaviani. I gave a very simple one to Rob and Kim Marker, formerly of Frostburg MD. This one was the first in the series. The second one, which was also very simple, was destroyed by the glass and frame breakin while it was bein moved by an employee of a restaurant, where it was on display. I have quite a few more, but haven't taken snapshots of them as with these 3. Unfortunately, most of these were from the batch I tried hurriedly to do. On the whole, though, I think this is still a beneficial mandala. My inner voice says, in effect, "very much so". I don't think the unconscious recognizes the lack of warmth between the mother and daughter. Generally the movement is clockwise, the smaller elements that are out of synch get swept alon by the larger mass. Done: USA, Frostburg, MD, and/or Fort Ashby WV. Late '90's or early 2000's .
Mandala Artist -- JACOB ELMSLIEJacob volunteered to draw some mandalas. He attempted one, but it was not acceptable from the standards of Jung's research. It expressed more the moral dilemma and indecision that Jacob was facin, rather than a perfectly balanced personality.
Jacob is presently workin on a mandala that is designed accordin to Jung standards. Look for it in the future!
Mandala Title: Quintopus [1225 kb] Artist: Jacob Elmslie Medium: Pen on drawin paper. Done: Frostburg MD, USA.. Note: This is an example of a mandala that does not symbolize a balanced personality. Obviously the artist is very talented. He has a style of his own -- I have seen the tattoos that he designed for him self in the same style as this mandala. The problem is that he feels uncomfortable expressin an ideal, he would rather express, in his art, the way that he feels.
I interviewed him, and found that the drawin symbolizes well his inclination to revert emotionally to a more comfortable period in his life's time, while desirin to go forward and confront the present. This can be seen by the varyin direction of the motions in the drawin, some elements comin in "head to head" contact with each other, blockin each other's way. The central figure has limbs goin in opposite directions too. I am very grateful to Jacob for makin this attempt, and if you buy the drawin, I'll give the money to him, minus a fee for my time. Click here to BUY FRAMED 11" X 14" PRINT with credit card -- shippin included -- $35 (note: the background in the print will be a uniform color, unlike the image shown here)
Mandala Artist -- KIM WILCOXMandala Provisional Title: Yin Yang Spiral [200 kb] -- I was holdin the wron side of the mandala toward the camera. I wanted the spiral to uncoil in a clockwise direction, that is the "healthy" direction. So I flipped the image in the editor. Also I had to touch up a white spot that was presumably caused by glare. Kim is a beautiful angel lady who makes stained glass. Mandala Artist -- KARL WELZMandala Title: Knight of Runes
Mandala Artist -- MONICA SAULArtist: Monica Saul History: "I paint mandalas and love them "I saw my mandalas without knowin what they were, and started paintin them. I see them sometimes, sometimes I convey on them what I feel good or bad. But I love them, I express my feelins through them. The mandalas are from the soul. "Whenever I create MY ART, I use an intuitive, meditative process to brin messages and symbols of healin power. "One of the most important thins about the mandalas is that they have neither a beginnin nor an end. "My name is Monica Saul, I was born in Argentina and I moved to Miami 12 years ago. I have been paintin for 15 years now. Art for me has always been a very personal spiritual journey. "Whenever I create my mandalas and connect with myself, I face my drives and desires, fears and hopes. The mandala allows me to get in touch with my own center, where the pieces of the puzzle start to fit into place "It helps me focus my attention away from external worries and concerns, and toward my center and my essence. This process is usually quite relaxin, refreshin and energizin." -- Monica Saul. Message to Monica from Erik: Many of your pictures have female symbols, and have bilateral (2-part) symmetry, so I think you are expressin a lot about relationships. #2 and bilateral symmetry has to do with relationships between two people, or between a person and one other thin or one other idea. If you do any more mandalas with light colored centers and four parts, or multiples of four, please let me know right away. Or if there is a gem, happy baby, Jesus, flower, star, planet, Sun, or circle in the center, with four parts. Mandala Artist -- VANCE POLLOCKZsrb [57.4 kb] Mandala Title: SS Hypnodisk 33 [10.3 kb] Hypnodisk 33 Black and White [6.28 kb]