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  1. Review Of The Video "2012"!

  2. Review Of Whitley Strieber's Video Conference At A.R.E. "2012: Mayan Date of Destiny" DVD Set


What Will Happen In 2012 -

- Clear 2012 Prophecies

Lots of organized, and planned, fightin will be in the news.

Battles, artillery, weapons, attacks.

Paramilitary assassinations coups d'etat assassinations, some by religious supporters.

Frontmen, of the world's order, are attacked, in politics and religious, as well as their stronholds.

For a top headman to fall, it usually takes a naked-eye comet to herald the matter aforetime. Followin is a list of probable 2012 comets, so that you can judge, for yourself, the probable timin, of the decease, of the big shot:

Comets 2012

The 1900s, the biggest events of each year were foretold in the 19th book of the Bible, which is the Book of Psalms.

19th book = 1900s.

Psalm 112 is the 112th year of the 20th hundred years of our Lo'ward, and so foretells the biggest happenins of the year, of our Lo'ward, 2012.

Psalm 112 (King James Version)

1 Praise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that fears the LORD, that delights greatly in his commandments.

[The Hebrew words used, here, for "Lo'ward" are from an old, old word, that means "breath".  Interestinly, Lo'ward Krishna said to "study the breath".

However you will never get access, to the meanin of this expression, by readin or thinkin about it.  It has to be shown to you, within.]

[In the year 2012, those, of us, who obey the commandments, found in the Bible, or communicated directly, to us, will be given the blessins.  To see what are the blessins look in Deuteronomy 28.]

2 His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed.

[The words "seed" and "generation" are the same meanin as "bloodline", "race", "genotype", or "clade".  Those, who were made by "the Lo'ward" will be mighty in 2012, and, bein upright, will be blessed.

There are also those, made by the devil, known as "tares", or the "children of the devil".  Their "seed" or "generation" causes them to err, and not to be upright.  Again, see Deuteronomy 28, to know what are the blessins.]

3 Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endures for ever.

4 Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.

5 A good man shewes favour, and lends: he will guide his affairs with discretion.

6 Surely he shall not be moved for ever: the righteous shall be in everlastin remembrance.

7 He shall not be afraid of evil tidins: his heart is fixed, trustin in the LORD.

8 His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies.

9 He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endures for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour.

10 The wicked [witch] shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked [witch] shall perish.

2012 Prediction What Will Happen on 2012

Click here to skip the technical astrological side, and see just the forecasting.

Horary Chart About Dec 21,1012








A horary chart, named after Horus, is a chart made for the time when a specific question was asked.  The answer to the question is contained in the chart.

I made a horary chart for the question: "Will solstice day 2012 be good or bad?" (scroll farther, past headlines, for partly mistaken chart's interpretation).


Astrological Prediction, Foretelling,

With Technical Explanation

I made a big mistaking in interpreting this chart. The mistaking was -- I had no experience with political horary forecasting. That caused me to err from the truth in some wise, but still you can learn a lot by reading that, which I keyed below:


Time 4:47 pm Eastern Standard Time

November 18 , 2006

Frostburg , Maryland , USA

This is the "root" chart, the basis of the question.  It is called "the radical chart."



Look in the radical chart for an angular planet.   Whatever happens that day will be somethin known to the entire world. Anythin that will be known all over the globe must be shown by a planet in an angular house.  Angular planet shows publicity.



The "day in question" is the solstice day of the year 2012.   To make a diurnal chart, take the same time of day, from the radical chart ( 4:47 pm Eastern Standard Time ).  Use that same time on the day in question, which will be December 20th 2012 .  Use the same coordinates:  Frostburg, Maryland .  



I chose this day because the Sun is on it's way INTO zero Capricorn in the followin 24 hours.  If you chose same time of the followin day, on the 21st, then Sun has ALREADY gone into Capricorn.  That would be too late.   Sun enterin Capricorn is same as "solstice".  



Look for aspects from the angles of the DIURNAL chart to the angular planets of the RADICAL (root, horary) chart. Include parallells.  



The ascendant (of the diurnal chart) is exactly quincunx to the lo'ward of the 8th house, Jupiter (in the radical, horary chart).  There is no other aspect from a Diurnal Chart angle to an angular planet in the radical (root) chart.   Jupiter is in the 7th house of the horary chart.  



The quincunx is one of two aspects known as "inconjunctions".  The two types of inconjunctions are the quincunx, 150 degrees, and the semi-sextile, 30 degrees.   The meanin of the quincunx is sickness, death, or positively readjustment and transformation ("change your plan and settle for less").  



Jupiter is in Pluto's sign Scorpio, and Pluto is in Jupiter's sign Sagittarius.  This exchange of each-other's signs is called "mutual reception,"  because each planet receives the other as a guest in its own house.   Pluto is the natural death/transformation ruler.

I think it is goin to be a positive transformation involvin a lot of deaths of negative people.  I say "positive" because of the mutual reception with greater benefic Jupiter.

If Pluto had been mutual reception with Saturn, I think it would still be positive result, but less pleasant a process for "the good guys".

Therefore, or as Jordan Maxwell says at least once every 3 minutes, "consequently", the good people, who have been sufferin under the despotic heel of the secret societies for centuries, will be relieved of their yoke durin this time.   That means we get a double benefit:  both a heel-removal, and a yoke-removal.



The best source that I know, for meanins of houses, is Nicholas DeVore's Encyclopedia of Astrology, which is quoted here in accordance with the fair use law.   I have chosen the negative meanins of the 7th house because the planet Jupiter in the 7th house is the lord of the 8th house, which is a destructive house. This is in accord with both medieval western practice, and also with hindu jyotish.

Here are the meanins of the 7th house:

1.  The public as an organized social unit.   My comments:  On the day of the winter solstice , 2012, the social organization, of the public of the world, will be disrupted, and will be re-shapen.   This clears the way for a new, better social order, if the good people of the world take the trouble to build it.

2.  Conditions, circumstances, and events evolution.   My comments:  This refers back to the person who asked the question, me, and "my people", or "my kind of people", whatever that may mean.

There will be transformations and upheavals that affect the social evolution of "my kind of people" as a whole.

By "social evolution" is meant the formation and development of institutions in which "my kind of people" interact with one another and with the world outside of ourselves.   Examples of institutions would be philosophies, religions, etiquette, shared knowledge, traditions, and so forward.

3.  Anti-social organizations or activities.  Public enemies.   My comments:  This would denote secret societies, mafias, gangs, criminals, maniacs, and so forth; and crimes and atrocities.  "My kind of people" will be challenged by danger from such thins.

However, it appears that the dangerous people suffer deaths, mutilations, weakenins, and mishaps.  This is because the lord of the house of death , dismemberment, and disaster is in THEIR house (7th house), not in our house (1st house).  



In this chart, we are ruled by planet Venus.  Planet Venus is separatin from the conjunction of Jupiter.  Therefore, Jupiter does not injure us.  



This condition weakens Jupiter's power to do harm.  But it also injures the Sun.  But, since Jupiter is weakened, it cannot harm the Sun much.   It appears as if Sun is a hero who offers to protect us against our danger, and, in fightin for our safety, becomes injured himself.  Sun represents the royalty, and tall blond people who have a strong sense of honor.

Except, when Sun is afflicted, it symbolizes an egotistical and cowardly bully. Sun is slightly afflicted here.   We all know that the US presidents and the rulers of Europe behind the scenes come from royalty.

However these have given themselves to the service of the devil, through the secret-society rituals, and they are no longer in possession of their own hearts and minds, but they have become possessed by devils, and, consequently, cannot be expected to behave as true royalty.

The Sun in this chart is not conjunct Dark Moon Lilith, nor is it conjunct planet Surt, and neither is it conjunct either of the stars called dragon's head or satan's head (medusa's head), therefore it probably does not symbolize any leader who has allowed themself to be possessed by devils.  

Here is the update I sent out later:   I thought that you would want to know what I found out when I checked more deeply into the question of the Mayan Calendar event at the winter's solstice of the year 2012, as I told you of in the most recent letter.

Both Sun and Jupiter (which are conjunct together in the chart of the question) are applyin by parallell to the star Arcturus .   Arcturus is to Pleiades as Earth is to Sun.  Pleiades go 'round Arcturus. Sirius goes round Pleiades (am I gettin this right?).  Sun's local group of stars goes 'round Sirius.

So as you can see, Arcturus is the headquarters of the headquarters of the headquarters of the headquarters, a very central source for consciousness.   Today on Earth, Arcturus represents Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji, who reveals The Knowledge of Inner Peace, same as was shown by Krisna, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, and so on.

Also it rules those who have asked for and received this Knowledge.   How do we interpret this?  This adds a very positive note to the type of 'death' or transformation that will be takin place.  It means that there will be many, many folks brought into a very, very high state of consciousness, joy, and love.

Also, my ruler, and my people, the first house, Venus, is in mutual reception with Arcturus, with the same interpretation, that I just gave, to you.

If you want to get in on this yourself, go to  


Many Many, Erik the Vermilion  


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I made a big mistaking in interpreting this chart. The mistaking was -- I had no experience with political horary forecasting. That caused me to err from the truth in some wise, but still you can learn a lot by reading that, which I keyed below:

[Click Here For TECHNICAL Astrological EXPLANATION Of The Prediction, Foretellin]

Sickness, death, or positively readjustment and transformation ("change your plan and settle for less").

Death and/or other transformation

I think it is goin to be a positive transformation involvin a lot of deaths of negative people.

Therefore, or as Jordan Maxwell says at least once every 3 minutes, "consequently", the good people, who have been sufferin under the despotic heel of the secret societies for centuries, will be relieved of their yoke durin this time.   That means we get a double benefit:  both a heel-removal, and a yoke-removal.

On the day of the winter solstice, 2012, the social organization, of the public of the world, will be disrupted, and will be re-shapen.   This clears the way for a new, better social order, if the good people of the world take the trouble to build it.

There will be transformations and upheavals that affect the social evolution of "my kind of people" as a whole.

By "social evolution" is meant the formation and development of institutions in which "my kind of people" interact with one another and with the world outside of ourselves.   Examples of institutions would be philosophies, religions, etiquette, shared knowledge, traditions, and so forward.

This would denote secret societies, mafias, gangs, criminals, maniacs, and so forth; and crimes and atrocities.  "My kind of people" will be challenged by danger from such thins.

However, it appears that the dangerous people suffer deaths, mutilations, weakenins, and mishaps.

A hero who offers to protect us against our danger, and, in fightin for our safety, becomes injured himself.  the royalty, and tall blond people who have a strong sense of honor.  an egotistical and cowardly bully slightly.   We all know that the US presidents and the rulers of Europe behind the scenes come from royalty.

However these have given themselves to the service of the devil, through the secret-society rituals, and they are no longer in possession of their own hearts and minds, but they have become possessed by devils, and, consequently, cannot be expected to behave as true royalty.

probably does not symbolize any leader who has allowed themself to be possessed by devils.  

Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji, who reveals The Knowledge of Inner Peace, same as was shown by Krisna, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, and so on.

those who have asked for and received this Knowledge.   This adds a very positive note to the type of 'death' or transformation that will be takin place.  It means that there will be many, many folks brought into a very, very high state of consciousness, joy, and love.

Also, I, and my people.


(TOP HEADLINES on December 21 2012):

I expected the searchin's results to appear in order of importantce, but as it turned out I had to dig deeply to find the most important headlines, while the less important ones came up top in the searchin's results.

"Islamist rally turns violent outside Alexandria mosque"

"Phone Hacking Scandal: Hugh Grant Settles News of the World Claim"

"Syria conflict: Assad fires more Scuds - Friday 21 December 2012"

"Syrian partisans step up attacks on strategic sites"

"Moose International CEO resigns after suit alleging molestation"

"SAN FRANCISCO -- A federal appeals court on Friday put the brakes on a first-of-its-kind California law that bans therapy aimed at turning gay minors straight"

"A suicide bomber in Pakistan killed nine people including a provincial government official at a political rally held Saturday by a party that has opposed the Taliban"

"raid on Kenyan coastal village killing 30 villagers, including women and children"

"Disney purchases Lucasfilm Ltd."

"West desperately tries to silence Iran medi"

"National Rifle Association called for armed guards in every school and blamed music, movies and video games for firearms violence." "NRA Press Conference: Wayne LaPierre Calls For Armed Police Officers At Every School"

"NRA blames media, music and more for culture of violence" "Defiant NRA leader rejects gun controls, asks to put police in schools"

" North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has ordered the development of bigger rockets & satellites "

"Gunmen kill 11 people on Pakistan-Iran border"

"Sudan shooting down a UN helicopter, killing all four Russian crew members on board"

"A path toward resolving the impending the co-called fiscal cliff was suspended in limbo Friday following a dramatic defeat for House Speaker John Boehner"

"A man arrested under Pakistan's blasphemy law was burnt to death by a mob"

"Bahrain 's ambassador to London has been snubbed after sending a Christmas hamper to an MP who sits on a committee conducting an inquiry into human rights abuses in the country"

"3 New Russian Soyuz Spacecraft Crewmembers to Arrive at Space Station Friday"

" Taiwan's execution of six death row inmates on Friday"

"After pushback, rules governing international money transfers reworked"

"ROME — Prime Minister Mario Monti resigned on Friday evening following Parliament's confidence vote on the 2013 budget, but he is still expected to play a major role in early elections, possibly as a candidate, analysts said"

"Six-year-old girl shot in face by Taliban and left for dead gets free surgery in US"

"Former Marine held in Mexican jail freed, officials say"

"North Korea: Detained American tourist has 'admitted his crime'"

"Former British PM Margaret Thatcher in hospital after operation"


"Anchorage International Film Festival Kicks Off Friday"

"Delta plane goes off runway at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport"

"Thousands of flights disrupted across US as storm hits Northeast"

"Obama taps Kerry for Secretary of State"

"2 Adults Fatally Shot Inside Alabama Nightclub"

"Pennsylvania gunman kills woman in church, two other people before dying in shootout with police"

Still within the time Sunrise-to-Sunrise: "Flight lands over fire scare, but nothing wrong, crews say"

"Three charged with murder, arson in Indianapolis house blast"

"Busy LA freeway stops in extremely low-speed chase after bank robbers"

"Split by Superstorm Sandy, iconic New Jersey house demolished"

"Chinese-American Faces Trial in China"


CUSTOMER REVIEW:  Decoding 2012 PropheciesDecoding 2012: Doom, Destiny, or Just Another Day? (Paperback)

"I love this book. It's objective and thoroughly researched, and offers a fresh perspective on the 2012 question. And the author has a great sense of humor, which makes what might otherwise be a rather dry and intimidating subject very accessible.

"Fascinating history and modern happenings. I recommend it for anyone interested in the subject. "

Find out more by clicking this lincque:  Decoding 2012 Prophecies!



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Deuteronomy 28, King James Version

1And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:


2And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.


3Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field.


4Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.


5Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store.


6Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out.


7The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.


8The LORD shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.


9The LORD shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and walk in his ways.


10And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of thee.


11And the LORD shall make thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy ground, in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers to give thee.


12The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.


13And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:


14And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.



What it has, in common with all movin pictures, made by the witches of Hollywood, New York, Austin, Rome, or wherever they may be, is that it is made to herd the masses, as a herd dog would do, and also to mislead.

Patently it is made to cause fear, but it is also made to cause folks to put their hope in the wron institutions.  It tries to put everybody together in "the same boat", without discriminatin between who deserves to be wiped out and who doesn't, accordin to the Bible's prophecies for 2012.

2012 Video 3 Disk Blu-Ray

In the movin picture, John Cusack seems to be havin a lot of fun, by pretendin to be a heterosexual.

Will there be global catastrophe, earth quakins, and tsunamis, on that day?  Psalm 112 is not specific about that question.  Regrettably, my astrological expertise lacks the experience, in earthquakins, needed to judge the answer from a Horary map.

The astrological, starry legal map about predictions for 2012, suggests that there might be such catastrophe.  But I am not expert enough, about earth's quakins, to judge the question with truth.  Therefore, I am goin to ask my Lo'ward, and then I'll key in what he indicates to me:

(Noddin "yes, there will be catastrophes that day") "...thankful that they are not that bad..."  [Check the prophecies of 2012, above, to see that they are bad for some folks and not for others, accordin to who had been naughty or nice.]

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"So, when the world ends, it's the politicians and bureaucrats that we're gonna save, and the writers and the artists and the spiritual leaders are left behind to deal with the apocalypse. That was the most depressin element of the movie.

"What will the world look like if we only save the "important people" in Washington? Heaven help us. Seriously. If the future world is to be populated with the slimy-dog politicians and their ilk, I think I'll take my chances with eternal life, thank you very much.

"Sittin in the darkened theater watchin 2012, I was reminded of "The Bunker" at White Sulphur Springs (in West Virginia). Construction on the 110,000-square-foot bunker was started under Eisenhower's watch, when we were worried that the USSR might blow us up into lots of radioactive pieces.

"Turns out, our beloved elected officials were prepared to push The Red Button that'd end the world as we know it, and then turn-tail and run into their bunker, slam the blast-proof door behind them and emerge 90 days later when the danger had passed.

"And the most amazin part: The Bunker is outfitted with gee-whiz features that'd lead the unsuspectin public to believe the lawmakers were still comfortably ensconced in Washington, DC. In other words, The Bunker was *designed* to perpetrate a fraud on the American people.

"Watchin"2012" I thought about The Bunker and realized, this movie is probably right. If and when the world ends, it'll be the politically important that are given seats on the lifeboats.

"And it's probably right that if there is a cataclysmic event, the Powers That Be will not tell the unwashed masses what's goin on, lest they try and steal one of those seats on the lifeboat.

"That's just depressin on so many levels.

"But I digress.

"This movie is definitely impressive on the big screen, and the soundtrack has plenty of bass (which I like). But the script and the writin was a little sappy for my tastes. And as to believability - well - this movie fell short on that score, too. I don't want to spoil the plot, but NO ONE can drive a limousine *that* well.

"On the plus side, the graphics are truly amazin and scarier than anythin I've ever seen before. I had to turn away from the screen to avoid some of the scary-as-hell images. It's a pretty intense flick, and it does a good job of drawin you in.

"A nice side effect: After watchin this movie, I'm a lot less worried about gettin those pesky credit cards paid off. Does make you think a little more about enjoyin every day, and appreciatin the simple beauty in our world.

"In conclusion, it's an interestin flick with awe-inspirin graphics, and it'll hold your attention - if you can suspend disbelief for a couple hours."


"I think people judge these movies very unfairly. It surprises me when a movie like 2012 comes alon and it's ripped apart before it's even released. "This movie's gonna blow, it's two and a half hours of thins blowin up."

"I have to play back the sentence in my mind and figure out what was negative about that concept. These movies are meant to be fun, and usually nothin more than that.

"I say "usually" because sometimes you get a movie that has absolutely no other reason to exist than to make thins explode and momentarily lower your IQ ( Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Single-Disc Edition) is out now. Fun movie.)

"...but occasionally you get somethin like 2012, which not only offers the calculated mayhem that fans of the action genre desire, but it also offers a surprisingly deep philosophical undertone. Go figure, right?

"The movie opens with a fifteen minute montage that sets up the events that will eventually transpire on 2012, and gives us a look at the backroom dealins that occur in the wake of this disturbin discovery concerning the fate of humanity.

"Once that's over with, the movie picks up rather quickly, introducin us to the main character, Jackson Curtis, his more-than-dysfunctional family and a grab bag of supportin characters. After a botched campin trip, thins kick off rather quickly.

"What follows are two hours of absolute chaos. The CG in this movie is astoundin, and I cannot stress this enough.

"The action is relentless, creative, and satisfyin on the whole. The LA sequence alone will have you smilin, then you will realize you still have a lot more movie to go, and it never disappoints. The pacin is excellent in this regard. I was in awe the entire way through.

"That's the bottom line: If you love action movies or a good old fashioned thrill ride, the disaster sequences alone are worth the price of admission (unless you're an astrophysicist, in which case you might be crossing your arms and groanin at this film all the way through).

"But what I liked the most about this film was its underlyin religious theme. People might be quick to pick up on the major references to this, such as (POSSIBLE SPOILER, though it's in the trailer): the crack formin between Adam and God on Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" at the Sistine Chapel, the destruction of Christ the Redeemer, Vatican City, and the Buddhist temple.

"With these and other biblical references that you will miss if you blink, Emmerich seems to postulate a world in which you don't need God for miracles, and where everyone is back on even ground again.

"Another theme that Emmerich sets up is the social borders that divide us more than we think. In a world that is comin to an end, it's not the stron who survive, only the smartest and the wealthiest.

"The film argues against utilitarianism on several fronts, goin so far as to say that to embrace such a concept to an outrageous extent, even to save mankind, would result in a race of humans deprived of its humanity.

"Now, I could be wron. I'm not sayin that my interpretation of the movie is spot on, but the movie did make me think, and that's what I found remarkable returnin home from watchin a film in which I thought I was just goin to watch thins blow up for two hours.

"I walked in knowin that no one makes disaster movies better than Roland Emmerich, but I ended up watchin somethin that entertained me immensely, made me think, and spurred on a very lon conversation between my friends and I. THAT'S how a movie more than earns the price of admission.


"Centuries ago, the Mayans left us their calendar, with a clear end date and all that it implies. Since then, astrologists have discovered it, numerologists have found patterns that predict it, geologists say the earth is overdue for it, and even government scientists cannot deny the cataclysm of epic proportions that awaits the earth in 2012.

"A prophecy that began with the Mayans has now been well-chronicled, discussed, taken apart and examined. By 2012, we'll know we were warned..."



"2012:  Mayan Date Of Destiny" DVD Set

Actors: Whitley Stieber , Adrian Gilbert , Geoff Stray , Don Carlos Barrios

Directors: A.R.E Press

"December 21, 2012, is the end date of the Mayan Long Count calendar. To some, its end spells disaster, to others, the dawn of a Golden Age. You may have heard these differin views, but durin this first-of-its-kind conference event, you will learn the whole story from authors, explorers, researchers, and a respected Mayan elder.

"Featuring: Whitley Strieber, author of 17 novels, includin Communion; Adrian Gilbert, author of 2012: Mayan Year of Destiny; Geoff Stray, whose research was compiled into the Internet s leadin database on 2012; and Don Carlos Barrios, a Mayan ceremonial priest, shaman, and spiritual guide."


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